02054 – Deactivate User from an Online Course, Bundle, Forum, Forum Category and Full Access via API

If you are using a Payment System that does not have deep integration with KLEQ (Stripe, PayPal or Infusionsoft), then simply follow these steps to cancel your member and de-activate him from your Online Course, Bundle, Forum, Forum Category and Full Access via API.

  • In your KLEQ site, go to Settings in the left-sidebar menu, then select Integrations.
  • Scroll down and click on the Custom API toggle.
  • Under Cancellation, copy the API URL provided.

NB! We now have secret key support to prevent somebody else sending registration webhooks to your site.

To change the secret key for your API URL, simply go to Settings > Global Settings. Then, go to Webhooks Secret Key and click on the Generate New Secret button and a new secret key will be added. 


Go back to your Payment System. Check with their support team if they support HTTP Post or HTTP Get integrations. If they do, then setup one of these two options.


Setup a HTTP Post:
  • Follow the steps provided by your Payment System to send a HTTP Post to your KLEQ site when someone cancels.
  • In Post URL field: Paste the Custom API URL you copied from your KLEQ site
  • Then you want to add the following parameter name/value pairs
    i.e. parameter name -> parameter value:

Required Parameters:
type = credit
(note: the literal word “credit” must be used as the value)
email = the client email to be made inactive
(note: if you want to automate this process you can add your system’s merge fields for the user’s email).

It is also required to use one of these parameters:
course_id = the ID of the Online Course
bundle_id = the ID of the Bundle
forum_full_access = `yes` to remove user user full forum access
forum_category_id = the ID of the Forum category


Setup a HTTP Get:
  • Follow the steps provided by your Payment System to send a HTTP Get to your KLEQ site when someone cancels.
  • In ‘Get’ URL field: Paste the Custom API URL you copied from your KLEQ site
  • Then you want to add the following parameter name/value pairs to the end of your API URL.
    Note: How this is done, will depend on the Payment System you are using.

Required Parameters:
type = credit
(note: the literal word “credit” must be used as the value)
email = the client email to be made inactive
(note: if you want to automate this process you can add your system’s merge fields for the user’s email).

It is also required to use one of these parameters:
course_id = the ID of the Online Course
bundle_id = the ID of the Bundle
forum_full_access = `yes` to remove user user full forum access
forum_category_id = the ID of the Forum category


Always add an ampersand if you’re going to add a new parameter to the URL and then an equal sign before the value. If there is no such parameter, then the system doesn’t know what to disable. The system don’t have the functionality to remove access from all courses/products.

Sample URL: https://yourdomainname.com/customapi.php?secret=XYZ&type=credit&email=email&course_id=2&bundle_id=2&


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Register User to Online Course, Bundle, Forum, Forum Category and Full Access via API
De-Activate User from an Online Course, Bundle, Forum, Forum Category and Full Access using InfusionSoft
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