02119 – Audio Messages

This feature is only available in Private Chats and Messages using the browser and mobile app.

In order for you to enable this feature, you must first integrate the Amazon S3 with your website.

If you are an existing user who has previously integrated with Amazon S3, you can use the same bucket; however, you must create a new user, correctly configure the policy, and ensure the correct bucket name is in the policy. Also ensure that you update your admin settings with the new key and secret.

If you are a user who is integrating with Amazon S3 for the first time, you don’t need to create the bucket. You only need to make sure that you choose a unique name for the bucket. Then use that name in the policy, and finally in the settings.
Note: You must follow Amazon S3 Bucket naming rules when choosing a name for the bucket.

The website will create the bucket in your account once your click the SAVE button.

Once integrated, the audio message icon will be visible in your site via web or mobile app and will look like this:


If you need to report a potential problem with your Amazon S3 integration, here is the procedure to follow so that the team can troubleshoot the problem as soon as possible.

NB: Please note that the website it is not technically possible to record long messages. The website has technical limitations from a server file handling and amazon security key perspective. The audio message feature is designed for short messages of 3 minutes maximum when using the website.

However, when using the mobile app, longer messages are possible, the app uses the device storage and a direct connection to amazon.

We recommend that you record multiple short messages when using the website or switch to using the mobile app for longer messages recording.


Related Articles:

Integrating Amazon S3 with your website
Private Messages Between Members
How to setup a Private Chat section for your course
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