Auto webinar pages now display Webinar statistics for a specific date range.
To View your Webinar Statistics:
- Go to Campaigns in the left-sidebar menu.
Select the Webinar campaign, then open the relevant Auto Webinar page.
- In the left-sidebar menu, click on Event Statistics.
- Once open, select the Start & End Date for your Webinar Stats.
- Click on SEARCH.
- The dashboard will now populate with the stats that took place during that date range:
Attended – highlights the Total number of attendees
Saw Offer – highlights the total number of people who saw the offer button
Watched To The End – highlights the total number of people who stayed till the end
Drop Off Chart – a graph will display your webinar drop off rate so you can see where most people are leaving and optimize.
Related Articles
Step 1 – Setup your Auto Webinar
Step 2 – Setup your Auto Webinar Registration Page
Step 3 – Create an Auto Webinar page