09A003 – Registering users to an Auto Deadline Widget using a Webhook URL

Once your Auto Deadline Widget has been setup, at the bottom of the settings page you will find your Registration Webhook. This is the incoming webhook you can use to register users.

  • You can use any EMAIL system out there (such as ActiveCampaign or Infusionsoft) that sends a Webhook out. To do this, you need to pass the email of the contact, using the Registration Webhook URL with the post parameter “contactEmail”.
    If you want to use ConvertKit Webhook, please proceed on here for complete guide.
  • When you send the email to the Registration Webhook, we will accept this information, detect the details and then register this person to the Auto Deadline Widget.

IMPORTANT: There is a limit of 100 requests of registration per minute. This is to protect your site from too many requests. If too many requests are sent, then once the 100 limit cap is reached, any extra requests will be ignored.



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