02070 – Member’s Email Notification

This feature will allow members to receive email notifications for new events occurring at the Forum, Social Wall, or Private Chat.

Here are the following events:

  • Reply on Social wall – sent to a user who has received a reply on a social wall post he has created or has participated in.
  • Forum reply – sent to all users that have created the thread, participated in it, or selected to watch it and haven’t seen the reply.
  • Mention on a social wall or a forum thread – sent to users that were mentioned on any social wall post or forum thread.
  • Private chat comment – sent to participants of the conversation that haven’t seen the message on private chat.
  • Private Chat Conversation Message – Sent to participants of the conversation that haven’t seen the message.
Your members will be notified via email a maximum of 3 times per day (00:00, 8AM and 4PM UTC time). This is to avoid spam email notifications.

Email is sent ONLY if the user has NOT visited the page where the event occurred before the next email deadline. If he does visit the page then he will not be notified about this event in the next email.

For example, if a member does not check for comments or replies on your site between 9AM and 4PM, your member will receive 1 email at 4PM advising your member to visit your site to see the new comments and replies they have missed.

Email notifications are only sent once for each event.

When the user clicks on the link he will log in to the Member’s Area and will be able to check all the unread notifications by clicking on the Avatar icon.

Avatar will display a red circle indicating there are notifications. The user can then click on the notifications to go to the different pages of the Member’s Area.

Social Wall: When the user clicks on the notification, he will land on the social wall page where the specific post where the event took place will appear in a popup.

Forum: When a user clicks he will land on the forum thread on the last page

Private Chat: When a user clicks he will land on the private chat page

Private Conversation: When a user clicks he will land on the private conversation page

Email notifications are sent to all users by default, but members can stop receiving them by going to their Avatar > Profile and turning OFF email notifications


Enable Email Notification

Your members can enable/disable their email notifications. By default, it is enabled.

  • If disabled, login in the Membership site.
    Click the Avatar then Profile in the upper right corner.
    In the pop-up window, switch the toggle on the Email Notifications.
    Then, click Update Profile button for the settings to be saved.



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