09C002 – How to setup a Standard Redirect Url

The standard redirect generates a special link, that redirects users to a specific page that you choose. This redirect type has additional actions that you can link to the URL, such as a Webhook or Infusionsoft tags.

To Get Started:

In the Redirect Settings pop-up:

  • Under Name, give your Redirect a name
  • Under Redirect Type, select Standard Redirect
  • Under Default Redirect, select your KLEQ page, or select Custom Destination to use external URL.
  • Action (by default is OFF), once it is enabled, you have 2 options:

    Send Webhook – users will be redirected to URL your added and their email will be sent to the Webhook URL you provide.

    Apply a Tag – select the integrated emailing system on your site, users will be redirected to selected URL and a Tag of your choice will be applied to their profile.

  • Once done, click on SAVE.

That’s it! Your new Standard redirect will appear in the Redirect dashboard.

The Standard Redirect URL with no actions will look similar to this http://yourwebsitename.com/redi.php?r=1

The Standard Redirect URL with Webhooks or Infusionsoft tags, will look similar to this http://yourwebsitename.com/redi.php?r=1&contactEmail=XXX

Before you use this URL, simply replace the XXX with the contact email.

To make further edits to your URL, click on the Edit button to the right of the URL.
To delete the redirect URL, click on the Delete (x) button to the right of the URL.


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