03012 – How to setup a Spacer Block

The Spacer Block allows you to add extra “white” space above or below your Block elements.

Below is an overview of the various Spacer Block settings:


  • Height (px)
    This feature allows you choose how much “white” space you would like to add between elements. Simply add the numeric (pixel) value to the field provided.



This feature allows you to add more space around your Spacer Block.

  • Margin Bottom
    This feature allows you to add more space below the Spacer block.
    Simply add the numeric (pixel) value to the field provided.



This feature allows you to use the available options for extra coding (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)

  • Element Id
    This shows the element id of a specific block, which can then be used by CSS and JavaScript to perform certain tasks for the element with the specific id value. To learn more, please checkĀ here
  • Classes:
    This feature allows is used to define equal styles for elements with the same class name. To learn more, please checkĀ here



This feature allows you to choose the type of device you want the Spacer block to take effect.

  • Display
    From this drop-down, you can choose which device you want to use the Spacer block
    + All Devices – the Spacer block will take effect on both desktop and mobile devices
    + Desktop Only – the Spacer block will take effect on desktop devices only
    + Mobile Only – the Spacer block will take effect on mobile devices only
    + None – the Spacer block will not take effect on both desktop and mobile devices

That’s it, click on SAVE and you are done!