021D12 – How to manually add or award a course badge to a member

This feature will allow you to manually add or award a course badge to your members.

Please note that in order for you to do the steps below, you should set up the Badge first in the Online Course Settings.

To Do This:

  • Go to Members Area, then select the Manage Members.
    In this section, you will see the list of members who have purchased courses from you.
  • Click on Achievements button to the far-right of relevant member.
  • In the Achievements modal, you’ll see the list of badges that you can manually add to the member. Simply select and click on the (+) icon beside the badge label.
  • Once clicked, the badge image will appear.
    You can always customize the Badge image and details in the Course Settings.
  • You can add more badge depending on your preferences.
  • The member will get a notification alert regarding this award when he logs in to his profile.
  • When the member clicks on the notification, this will automatically open the Achievements center.

That’s it! You are done.


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