020D41 – How members can update their Social Avatar

Course members can setup Social Avatars for themselves when interacting on either the Social Wall or the Private Chat pages of a course.

To Do This:

  • They can simply click on their Avatar icon in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  • Then select Profile from the drop-down menu.
    A pop-up will appear with their Profile settings.
  • Under Avatar, they can upload an image of themselves
    If no image is uploaded, the first initial of the members name (with a colored background) will be used for the Avatar image.

    Upon uploading an image, members may resize their Avatar with the resize tool.
    During image resize, members will see a preview of the resized avatar at the upper right corner.
  • Under About You, they can add a short Bio describing themselves and include a link to additional information.
  • Under Forum Signature, they can add messages or text that appear below every single post they create on a forum and include a link to additional information.
  • Once done, they can click on Update Profile and their Avatar information will immediately update on the Social Wall, Forum or Private Chat.
  • If members want to see the Bio information of another member, they can simply mouse over the other member’s Avatar icon and a pop-up will appear with that members Bio details.


Alerts Feature

The Alerts feature notifies members when there are replies either on the Social Wall or Private Chat pages. When Members / Admin posts a reply or likes a comment, a red notification icon will appear on a member’s Social Avatar.

To view where the Alert is sourced from, members only need to click on the avatar icon.

  • On the Notifications section, there will be a red dot.
  • Once clicked, the Notifications pop up will appear. This will display who replied, along with the name of the Social Wall or Private Chat where the Member / Admin replied.
  • To access that page, members can simply click on the link to the Social Wall or Private Chat and they will be redirected to that page.