02010 – How to setup your Content Drip Feed

To Get Started:

  • Go to the Members Area in the left-sidebar menu and then click on Online Courses.
    Open the relevant course by clicking the Course icon or Content button.
  • In the pop-up window, you will see the list of Course Pages you have set up for your course.
    On the right side, you will see the Drip button just beside the Edit button.
  • If you click on the Drip button, it will open a pop-up window.
  • Simply turn the toggle ON to enable.
  • You can select the Type of Drip to apply.
    • Automated: Based on registration date – This will deliver the content of your course page on autopilot and members will be able to access the page depending on their course registration date.
      You have to specify the number of days based on the registration date when they can access the page.
    NOTE! The Timezone that is set in Global settings will be applied.

    For example:
    1. Today is August 3 at 23:58 and drip is enabled for 2 days (August 5). The page will be available on August 5 at 00:01.

    2. Today is August 3 at 14:30 and drip is enabled for 2 days (August 5). The page will also be available on August 5 at 00:01 also.

    We will count the number of days and not 24 hours.

    • Scheduled: Delivered on a specific date – With this feature, you can choose a specific date when the course page will be accessible.
      Simply select the date and time, then select the timezone on the drop-down menu.
Coming Soon Text

This is the text that the user will see if they haven’t reach yet the number of days customers should wait before being able to access content.
You may edit the course page to get the page settings and then click on the Coming Soon Text.

Once done, click on SAVE CHANGES.

TIP! The Mobile App is now supporting the Content Drip Feed feature.



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Video Tutorial – Drip Feed